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Dashboard 2017/2018

Updated: Nov 15, 2018

April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018

The Dashboard provided below presents a snap shot of our activities in our 2017/2018 fiscal year and illustrates the Museum’s achievements in support of its mission and its contribution to the quality of life and life-long learning in the Bow Valley.

The Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies has welcomed visitors from across Canada and beyond our borders for 50 years. Our founders, Peter Whyte and Catharine Robb Whyte were artists, business people and philanthropists who through their accomplishments and generosity embody the values and aspirations of Alberta and Canada.

Consistent with Peter and Catharine’s vision, the Whyte Museum is a gathering place, dedicated to telling the stories of mountain communities, peoples and cultures. Our diverse collection offers focused insights into the accomplishments and character of our Canadian Rocky Mountain communities.

The Whyte engages with topics relevant to the Bow Valley including climate change, conservation and urban development within Banff National Park and the Canadian Rockies. We are enhancing our contribution to K to 12 education in the Bow Valley, including the Stoney Nakoda youth east of Banff.

The contribution the Whyte Museum makes to the Bow Valley is made possible through the generous support of our volunteers, funders, donors, members and the community. The Whyte Museum is grateful to the Peter and Catharine Whyte Foundation for their extraordinary on-going commitment to supporting our core operational costs. We also thank the Alberta Foundation for the Arts for its support of our visual arts program.


At a Glance

• Operating Budget - $2,111,863

• Attendance - 38,490

• Admissions - $217,114

• Archives & Library

Researchers - 1,137

Browsers - 1,748

• Exhibitions

In-house Exhibitions - 22

Travelling Art Exhibitions - 6

• Community Engagement

Public Programs - 47

People in Attendance - 3,997

• Education

School Programs - 43

Students in Attendance - 853

Tours - 135

Tour Participants - 1,822

• Digital Media

Facebook Reach - 306,280

Twitter Impressions - 451,100

Instagram Followers - 1,033

Website Sessions - 27,618






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