By Monte Greenshields, Manager of Development

Image: Fanny Wedro (second from left) with friends at the Whyte Museum's Cascade Murals Unveiled event in October 2015.
Last month, I had the privilege of visiting Whyte Museum donor Fanny Wedro at her home in Calgary. Fanny and her late husband Leo, are long-time supporters of the Whyte. Beginning in the 70s they owned the Cascade Hotel, now part of the Mount Royal Hotel. When the Cascade required renovations, eight hand-painted murals were removed and donated to the Whyte Museum. They have been in the Museum’s care ever since. Here is our conversation:
Fanny, please tell me what brought you and Leo to Banff?
We were living in Edmonton and somehow Leo heard the hotel was for sale. He contacted the owner [Sam Schultz] for more information and eventually we bought the hotel in 1972 from Sam—on a handshake if you can believe it! For two years, I would take my daughter and every weekend we would drive to Banff to be with Leo. First we used to stay at the Mile High and then we rented a home in Whiskey Creek before eventually buying a home in Valleyview. Banff was very good to us financially and we made many life-long friends there—it was family. It wasn’t until the year 2000 when we had to move to Calgary for Leo’s health reasons.

Wadym Dobrolige (1913-1973), Skaters, 1955, oil, 68 x 138 cm, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies. Gift of Leo Wedro, Calgary, 1990, DoW.02.03.
Banff certainly is a wonderful place to raise a family. Outside of working at the hotel what other activities were you involved in?
For many years I was a member of the Soroptimist club and I was on the 'Ways and Means' committee (fundraising) we raised lots of money and we did a lot of good work.
Wonderful! That is a perfect segue into my next question – can you tell me your feelings or thoughts about giving to charity and why it is important to you?
I was born in the old country, my mother used to say when someone gives you a finger, you stretch them out a hand. Even though I am a Holocaust survivor, I came up from ashes, I am the only person left of my family—you must try to help others. I remember Mrs. Whyte [Catharine]—she was a wonderful lady, she used to look after people, the homeless and such. As I said, Banff was very good to us. So every year for Banff it is the Museum and the hospital. I cannot give thousands to everyone because there are so many people who need help, my God in Calgary there are so many, and of course I am a supporter of the Wedro Jewish Holocaust Foundation as well.
Lastly, can you tell us about your association with the Museum and why museums are important to you?
I love museums, what can I say? They are more than memory—it’s alive, it’s forever, it talks!
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