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A Farewell Note of Gratitude to Our Chief Executive Officer Donna Livingstone


Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Donna Livingstone, Photo by Silckerodt Photography.

Donna Livingstone is retiring as CEO of the Whyte Museum and Peter and Catharine

Foundation, after five “amazing” years. Her contract will be completed at the end of June, and she looks back with pride over a very busy time.

She led the organization through the COVID-19 years, strengthened Indigenous

connections, made a commitment to connecting visitors to nature, supported popular exhibitions and programs, created national and international connections, and showcased the wonderful resources the organization has to offer.

Throughout it all, she holds deep respect for the founders, Peter and Catharine Whyte.

“I am constantly impressed with their vision, generosity to others and to the community, and

their modesty. It’s truly a remarkable legacy. Whenever I’m not sure about what to do, I think, ‘What would Catharine do?’ and it’s always the right thing, the generous thing.”

“We are very grateful for the tremendous contribution Donna has made,” says Don

Watkins, Chair of the Board of the Peter and Catharine Whyte Foundation. “She brought a fresh

way of thinking and a warm connection to the community. We can’t thank her enough.”

Livingstone says she was most impressed over the past five years when she witnessed

the important role the Whyte plays in the community.

“The lineups for the Archives book sale,

the sold-out crowds for Chic Scott’s Fireside Chats, the excited conversations at the opening

of a new show, and tours into the heritage homes – they all celebrate what it means to live in

Banff,” she notes, adding, “My favourite is the Jon Whyte Memorial Spelling Bee and Trivia Contest. It’s been going for over 35 years and is still imprinted with Jon’s quirky sense of

humour and love of language.”

Livingstone is grateful to the board and to the staff who guide and support the Whyte in

all its aspects.

“I’ve learned so much from all of them. They’re mountain people. Resourceful, creative, good cooks, and funny as hell. That’s the best recipe for success.”

She is also impressed with the generosity of the community, donors, and members who

are quick to pitch in and help when needed and to offer encouraging words along the way.

At the end of June, Livingstone and her husband Edward Cavell will be relocating to

Vancouver Island where Donna grew up.

Thank you, Donna, for your vision and support of the Whyte Museum! You will be greatly missed.



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