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Don Vockeroth - Pushing the Limits: the Legacy | Episode Nine

In 1996 and 1997 Chic Scott recorded 84 interviews with leading mountaineers all across Canada, as research for his book, Pushing the Limits, The Story of Canadian Mountaineering. These interviews have been safely stored in the archives of the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies for 25 years and have now been digitized.

Filmmaker Glen Crawford, working with Chic, has selected eleven of the best interviews and has edited them and added photographs to create superb enhanced interviews. These interviews are with Tim Auger, Sharon Wood, Hans Gmoser, Kevin Doyle, Brian Greenwood, Barry Blanchard, Leo Grillmair, Pat Morrow, Don Vockeroth, Charlie Locke, and Laurie Skreslet.

Don Vockeroth:

Don Vockeroth was one of the first Canadian-born climbers to be at the forefront of the sport in this country. He climbed with cat-like grace and put up nine new routes on Yamnuska. His route on the north buttress of Howse Peak is now one of the great classic lines of the Rockies.

Don was also a fine skier and a certified ski instructor and during the winters he could be found on the ski slopes at Lake Louise and later Rossland.

Don received his mountain guides license in 1967 and has devoted many years to this profession. During the 70s and 80s, he led climbs at the Alpine Club of Canada camps and was much loved by the club members.

Chic interviewed Don on December 28, 1996, in his home in Rossland, British Columbia.

See more enhanced interviews in the Pushing the Limits: The Legacy project.


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