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Thank You to Our Donors

Peter Whyte (1905-1966, Canadian), Early Snow, Mount Assiniboine,1937, oil on canvas, 27.2 x 35.5 cm, WyP.01.164

Our Donors

January 1 to December 31, 2018

The Whyte Museum gratefully acknowledges the support, gifts and services of the following:

Government and Foundations


Alberta Foundation for the Arts

Archives Society of Alberta

Banff Canmore Community Foundation

Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation

Government of Alberta

Government of Canada

Young Canada Works

Community Partnerships and Support


Alpine Club of Canada

Banff Centre

Banff Lake Louise Tourism

Banff Park Lodge

Banff YWCA

Buffalo Nations Luxton Museum

Canadian Rockies Public Schools

Canadian Rockies Annual

Charles Locke - Lake Louise Ski Resort

Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation

The Juniper Hotel and Bistro

Parks Canada

Ski Big 3

Stoney Education Authority

University of Lethbridge

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative



Paul Allen

Roy Andersen

Charlotte and Dennis Apedaile

Amar Athwal

Kurt Bagnell and Heather Imrie

Irene Bakker

Banff Brewing Co.

Banff Canmore Community Foundation

Mary Barnes

Don and Keitha Beers

Diane and Doug Bell

Al and Nancy Bellstedt

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Marion and Leo Berchtold

Marga Betz

Linda and Doug Black

John Blair

Ruth Bleuer

Jill Bodkin

Janet Boger

Belinda and Thomas Boleantu

Glen and Elizabeth Boles

Earl and Heather Boon

Joan and Seán Booth

Bud and Annette Brewster

Alison Brewster and Bryan Niehaus

George and Helen Buck

Rob Burford and Janice Carson Burford

Fred Burghardt

Byron and Mary Caldwell

Calgary Foundation

Colleen Campbell

George Capel

Remo Cardone

Rebecca Chidley

Margaret Christensen

Garry Clarke

Tony Clevenger and Carmen Campos

Lorne and Carol Cooley

Glen and Louise Crawford

Rick Crosby

Ron & Pattie Culver

Nancy DaDalt and Bob Krysak

Jim Davies

Nathalie Delbecq and Tim Robinson

Yves Desgouttes

Diane Devonshire

Marino DiManno

Peggy Dixon-McRae

Tim and Cathy Duffin

Patrick Duffy

Joan Dunkley and Don Gardner

Chris Edgell

Allison and Glyn Edwards

Donna and Roger Egglestone

Ernst Enns

Eric Harvie Professional Corporation

Anne Evely

Martin Finnerty and Pauline Martin

Jeanette Fish and Charles (Chuck) O'Callaghan

E. V. Fleming

David and Katherine Foxcroft

Audrey Frey

Leslie and Cliff Fryers

Jim Gardner

Paul and Willa Geddes

Andrew and Maribeth Gilliland

Good Earth Coffeehouse

Andrea Gould and Paul Valentine

Katherine Grovier

Betty Anne Graves

Rod and Lois Green

Monte Greenshields and Terry Allen

Joel Hagen and Nadine Fletcher Great Divide Nature Interpretation

Christopher J. and Barbara J. Haggis

Arthur G. (Bud) Hall

Elizabeth Hall-Findlay

Matthew Hamer and Suzanne Poohkay

Pat and Bob Haney

Douglas and Jannis Hare

William and Deborah Harris

Ross and Nancy Hayes

Gail Hinchliffe

Gordon Hoffman

Albert and Femmeke Holthuis

Carol and Michael Honey

Lee Hutchinson and David Cox

Robert and Margaret Iveson

Mavis James

Christel and Bengt Johanson

John and Barbara Poole Family Funds at Edmonton Community Foundation

Carolann and Cy Johnson

James Johnson

Patricia Johnson

Damian Jones and Tristan White Jones

Marjorie G. Jones

The Juniper Hotel and Bistro

Michael and Donna S. Kanovsky

Barbara Whyte Kapteyn

Judith Kashul and James Coulton

Joyce and David Keith

Stephen G. Kennedy

Edward and Ann Kerwin

Judge Ramez Khawly and Carol Ann Sutton

Allan King

Rusty Kirby

Nancy Knechtel

Edwin Knox

Eva Kuchar

Robert Cameron and Elizabeth Kundert-Cameron

Rick Kunelius

Paul and Marion Kutzer

Gerald Kvill

Patricia Langridge

Marsha Laub

John Laurence

Michael and Erla Laurie

M. B. Laviolette

Sandra Leblanc

Susan and Geoffrey Lefferts

Douglas Leighton

Doris Livingstone

Edward Cavell and Donna Livingstone

Harvey Locke and Marie-Eve Marchand

Graham MacDonald and Laurelle Johnson

Brenda and Ian Mackie

Eileen Mak and Meg Stanley

Monika Manhas

Dan and Jane Marinangeli

John and Jill Martland

Grit and Scott McCreath

David and Jenny McDermid

Karen McDiarmid

Mike and Diane McIvor

Barbara McNeil

Bruce and Cheryl McTrowe

Dino Melshior

Don Mickle

Peter Mikols and Leslie Robertson

Ted and Judy Mills

Katharine Mills

Alexandra Montgomery

Catherine Moore and Terry Pearce

Rod and June Morgan

Patricia and Norbert Morgenstern

Patricia Cucman and Stanley Munn

Mariilyn and Wayne Niddrie

Shannon Norberg and Jarvis Hall

Graeme and Lori Nunn

Brett and Tara Oland

Margaret Oliver

Carmen Pearson

Barbara and Eric Pelham

Dorothy Knowles

Sue and John Petch

Peter and Diana Petrik

David Pand Linda Peyto

Nona Phillips and Blake Foster

Sydney and Bill Pieschel

Robert and Mary Jane Pogue

Barry and Gail Pollock

Peter Poole and Nan Hughes Poole

Dale and Marilyn Potts

Caenie and Orville Pyrcz

Bonnie and Jack Rawlyck

Frances Rawson

Pearl Ann Reichwein and Rudi Peet

Russell and Leslee Robb

Phyllis and Chris Robb

Brian and Kathleen Rogers

Lesley Sanderson

Jim and Sandra Santa Lucia

Ken Sarsfield

Bessie Sax

Sally Scherer

Patty Schwartz

George and Rosalie Schwarz

Charles (Chic) Scott

Mona and Ray Seguin

E. Sellers

Robert and Kathryn Sinclair

Jean Slaght

Hope and Jim Smith

Carman and Barbara Smith

David and Mary Smith

Christopher Erith Smith

Jill Robinson and Steven Smith

Don Smith and Nancy Townshend

Bill and Barbara Smyth

Phyllis Smyth

Jane and Steve Snyder

Shelley Sopher

Susie Sparks

Jos Storm

Sundstrom Family

Paul and Eva Sylvestre

Heather Taxbock

The Block Kitchen + Bar

Innocent J. Thomas

James Thorsell

Martin Timmer and Monique Gervais Timmer

Joan Tittemore

Marilyn Toulouse and Bruce Bembridge

Diane Travers

Gary and Shirley Truscott

S. L. Varga

Vincent J. Varga

Mário Vieira and Jane Lytle-Vieira

Martin von Neudegg

Robert E. Von Sternberg

Glenda Waddingham

Tim and Leslee Wake

Gerry and Val Ward

Jan and Adam Waterous

Donald and Sharon Watkins

Myron Weber and Marilyn Segall

Leo and Fanny Wedro

Graham and Penny Weir

Carole Chardon-Wells and Joseph Wells

Margaret W. and Richard Werling

Bruce Westman

Dianne and H. R. "Biff" Wheeler

Dr. Terry and Sue White

Cliff A. and Johanne White

Brad and Donna White

Harold Whyte

Christine Wignall

Michael and Daisy Williams

Elisabeth Woolley Monod

Ralph and Gay Young

Paulette Zarkos

Eva and Peter Zidek

Gifts to the Collection


Alpine Club of Canada

Anita Battrum

Fred Burghardt

Nick Bullock

Gordon Burles

Elizabeth Chatten

Gordon Clozza

Rick Crosby

Kristy Davison

Rose Marie De Clercq

Anne Evely

April Fletcher

David and Katharine Foxcroft

Katherine Govier

Nicolas de Grandmaison

Bruce Grenville

Jim Santa Lucia

Donald Michael Lundgren

Pieranna Margaroli

Bernadette McDonald

Jack McMahon

Alvin Melton

Elisabeth Woolley Monod

National Park Warden Alumni Society

Mark Nightingale

Judy Otton

Ruth and Jim Quinn

Jay Sherwood

Colleen Skidmore

Colin Smith

Don Snell

Southern Alberta Pioneers and their Descendants

Robert E. Von Sternberg

Joan Tittemore

Beth Towe

Trina Vaux

Henry Vaux Jr.

Margaret Watson

Cliff White

Christine Wignall

Services and Gifts-In-Kind


Banff Centre

Banff Park Lodge

Banff Tea Co.

Banff Wine Store

Good Earth Coffeehouse

Graham MacDonald and Laurelle Johnson

The Block Kitchen + Bar

The Juniper Hotel and Bistro

Town of Banff

Wild Flour Banff's Artisan Bakery Café



Also a big thank you to the numerous Anonymous donors.


We have made every effort to recognize our donors. If you notice any errors or omissions please contact Monte Greenshields at 403-762-2291 extension 315 or

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